A Kraken Day To Remember

From a “Favorite Things” auction of player gift baskets, to a season record 50/50 jackpot and even a home team victory over a fierce rival, last Saturday’s Kraken Day game celebrated the One Roof Foundation and those contributing to its continued success.

By Geoff Baker / @GeoffBakerNHL / nhl.com/kraken

March 05, 2025

Kraken employee Rosemary Dinh admits that getting players and coaches to assemble annual gift baskets of “Favorite Things” on time for charity auctions to fans truly can be a team effort.

But Dinh, a social impact and foundation coordinator for the team’s One Roof Foundation (ORF), also knows the work is worth it as the gift basket Anchor Auction is highly popular and this year was included for the first time as a focal point of Kraken Day activities. That auction during Kraken Day and Saturday night’s home game against the Vancouver Canucks saw 22 baskets assembled by players, coaches and broadcast team members – with assistant coach Jessica Campbell, head coach Dan Bylsma, broadcasters Piper Shaw and Alison Lukan and forwards Jared McCann and Jordan Eberle compiling some of the most bid-on packages.

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